How Do Isolines Show Changes in Elevation or Temperature on a Map?

Field maps depict features of an area through the use of isolines.  Isolines connect points of equal value on a field map. Types of isolines include isotherms, isobars, and contour lines. Isotherms connect points of equal temperature. Isobars connect points of equal air pressure.  Contour lines connect points of equal elevation. So, if one needs to construct a temperature map, they would measure the temperature values throughout a region and connect points of equal temperature with a line. The line or isotherm shows the shape of how changes in temperature are distributed throughout the region being mapped. 

This week, we will focus on how to construct and interpret different types of maps through the use of isolines.

Homework:  Due Wednesday, December 15,2010

Textbook:  read pages 53-57.  Answer questions 1-3
Review Book:  read pages 26-27


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