What is a Star?

Sizzling clouds of electrified gas are dispersed from the Sun,
the closest star to our Earth.
A Star is a massive, self-luminous astronomical body that creates its own radiant energy.  It is mostly composed of hydrogen and helium gases and other particles that are held together under the star's enormous force of gravity.  The force of gravity is so tremendous that all the gas and materials become immensely dense and hot. 

A star's force of gravity is so strong that it compresses all its atoms and elements causing them to squeeze and fuse together.  When the atoms fuse together, it releases a vast amount of energy that causes the star to heat to extremely high temperatures and to produce its own light and magnetic field.  The source of heat generates at the inner core of the star and works its way outward to its surface and the far reaches of space.

Stars are formed from massive clouds of gas and dust particles scattered throughout space.

For more details on a what stars are go to: Stars - Nasa Science or view the following video for a summary of the Sun, our closest star,  The Sun-101


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