Constructing and Interpreting Topographic Map Profiles

A profile or cross-sectional view shows the shape of the landforms depicting the elevation differences along a particular area of land. Topographic profiles are easily made using graph paper and the method illustrated in the figure shown here. Note that profiles need to have both a horizontal scale and a vertical scale.

A profile is easily constructed across a contour map by placing the bottom edge of a strip of paper along the section of the map one wishes to profile (see review book, page 24). At each point where the edge of the paper intersects with a contour line, mark on the edge of the paper. Record the elevation of the contour next to the mark on the edge of the paper. When all points are marked, use the vertical scale on the graph paper to place each point at its proper elevation and horizontal distance.

Homework: Due Monday, November 16th

Profile of contour map given in class on Friday.

Due: Tuesday, November 17th

Bring in earth science review book. We will review homework questions 28-46.


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