
Showing posts from December, 2007

Types of Plate Boundaries

This week we will redirect our attention at contrasting the differences among the three types of plate boundaries. Scientists classify boundaries between two plates according to plate movement. There are three main types of plate boundaries: divergent, convergent, and transform. Homework : due Thursday, December 20, 2007 Textbook : In chapter 8.2 and 8.3, read pages 176-181; do questions 1-7 on page 179. Review Book : In chapter 3, read pages 67-72; do questions 38-45, 52-57, on pages 70-72. En Español Esta semana resumiremos la naturaleza de los tipos de bordes de placa. Las placas litosfèricas se mueven como unidades coherentes en relación con las otras placas. Las placas tienen tres tipos distintos de bordes, que se diferencian en función del tipo de movimiento que exhiben. Los tipos de bordes son: Divergente, Convergente y Transformante.

Locating Earthquake Epicenters

When an earthquake occurs, its energy radiates in seismic waves away from the focus as shown in the diagram above. These waves can be grouped into three categories: P-waves travel the fastest. These waves vibrate in a push-pull motion through the ground. S-waves vibrate in all directions perpendicular to the direction of travel. Surface waves vibrate in a push-pull motion as well as in all directions perpendicular to the direction of travel. These waves cause the most damage as they travel along Earth's surface. Homework : Due Thursday, December 13 th . Review Book : read pages 54-60. Do questions 1-16.

Types of Plate Boundaries and Causes of Plate Movement

This week we will focus on contrasting the differences among the three types of plate boundaries . We will also discuss mantle convection as a possible cause of plate movements. Homework : due Thursday, December 5, 2007 Textbook : In chapter 8.2 and 8.3, read pages 176-181; do questions 1-7 on page 179. Review Book : In chapter 3, read pages 67-72; do questions 38-45, 52-57, on pages 70-72.